Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BITSTRIPS for School

Thursday, MAY 1st

Hi there class.  Today you will explore a fun site that lets you create comic strips.  I think you will have fun.  Here is the log in information:  

Go to this link :  bitstrips for schools 

Your Password is comic890

then hit GO. 

Please set your password as Grade4. 

Your first job is to find your avatar and edit it to look more like you. 

Your second job is to play around with the features and create a comic strip like mine. You will find it near the bottom of the bitstrip page. Check it out.  

The goal of your comic strip is to teach others about why smoking is a very BAD idea! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


There are different types of gears that are used.
SPUR GEAR:  There are usually two gears with teeth that rotate in opposing directions; these are the most simple kinds of gears; ex. a can opener
IDLE GEAR:  If you want two spur gears to turn in the SAME direction, and idle gear is placed in between the two spur gears
CROWN GEAR:  looks like a crown; the teeth are facing upwards and the bottom is flat; it allows things to rotate at different speeds; works with bevel gears mostly; ex. Used in car steering systems
BEVEL GEAR:  two wheels that the teeth bend slightly inwards at an angle which changes the direction of rotation;  ex. A hand drill
WORM GEAR:  is one circular gear with teeth and a screw-like tube as the other gear; higher possibility of slipping and not a good grasp between gears while rotating, but they are good for holding something in a position; ex. Tuning pegs on a guitar
RACK AND PINION GEAR: a single gear (the pinion) makes contact with a grooved plate (the rack) that either moves, or stays in one place depending on the desired output; it creates a more straight line of movement instead of a circular/rotational one; ex. Used to make tanks move

-Rack and pinion, spur, and idle gears travel within one plane (flat), while crown, bevel, and worm gears work within two planes (at angles).

We use gears in our lives just like we use pulleys.  Here are some examples:

BIKES: The chain on your bike grabs onto the teeth on the gears, then it propels the bike forward using the pedals to input the energy needed.

ENGINES: all car/truck engines need gears inside to help the parts within move

CLOCKS/WATCHES: have gears inside that create the movement of the hands on the clock

CAN OPENERS: use gears to turn a sharp metal piece to pierce and cut through the metal lid of a can

PIPE WRENCH:  uses rack and pinion gears to widen or narrow the opening

CONVEYORS/ESCALATORS: the gears rotate and turn to allow the surface to move; found in airports as moving sidewalks, or for luggage; found in malls as the moving stairs to get you to a different floor; at the grocery store to move your groceries from the cash to where you bag them. 

Gears control the direction and speed of moving parts.    Gears can increase, or decrease speed, and if needed, can reverse the direction of rotation. They help to make single parts of a unit work together as a whole to produce a desired outcome. 

Many gears working together is called a GEAR TRAIN and when used together, they are used to control direction and movement.

Important Facts on Gears:
1) The speed of the gear depends on the size and where it is placed.  The rotation speed (how fast it moves) depends on how large the gear is AND on how many teeth it has. The less teeth it has, the faster it is able to complete one full rotation. So speed can be changed by altering the size and number teeth on the gears.

2) The first gear turns differently than the next gear that is attached. If gear one turns counterclockwise, gear two will turn clockwise.  Gear three if added will turn the same as gear one. So gears can be used to control and change the direction of movement.

3) Gears work with other gears and with pulleys within a system to allow all moving parts to work correctly.

4) A gear system requires mechanical input to make it work (man power, electric, or chemical)


Answer the following in your WRITER"S NOTEBOOK.  Use complete sentences where possible. 

1.  Give an example of ALLITERATION. 

2. Identify the following as either a METAPHOR or a SIMILE

  • a. The baby girl was as pretty as a peach.  
  • b. I am so thirsty, my throat is as dry as a bone. 
  • c. My teacher is a dragon.
  • d. Books are keys to your imaginations
  • e. Sammy knows so many words, he is a walking dictionary! 
  • f. My grandmother is as sweet as pie. 

3.  Write one example EACH of a simile and a metaphor. 

4.  What is onomatopoeia?  Give an example

5.  What shape does a DIAMANTE poem have?  

6. What is the rhyming scheme?  (e.g. ABAB)

God alone may lead my spirit
Far away from want and fear
For the Lord is my true shepherd
And I know the Lord is near